About admin

  • Website: https://bayheritage.org
  • Email: email
  • Biography: The Baltimore & Chesapeake Steamboat Company is a nonprofit educational organization that began operating in in 2005 to preserve, interpret, and support the industrial maritime heritage of the Chesapeake Bay Region.

Posts by admin:

September 2016 Volunteer Opportunities

B&CSC is gearing up for September volunteer opportunities:bcsc-logo-blueseal

  • Two September Docent Training Sessions for this year’s Fleet Week that features the US Navy’s Blue Angels and visiting ships
  • Saturday, September 24, 2016, 10 am, Work session aboard the CHARLES D. GAITHER

As part of Baltimore & Chesapeake Steamboat Company’s volunteer outreach program, we provide docents for several maritime programs aboard the Nuclear Ship Savannah. We have additional opportunities throughout the year within Baltimore Harbor and along Chesapeake Bay. Two upcoming Docent Training sessions to get ready for Fleet Week will be aboard the N.S. Savannah, which includes an orientation and brief tour of the ship:

  • Wednesday, September 14, 2016, from 5:30 - 7 pm
  • Saturday, September 17, 2016, from 10:30 am - Noon
    n.b. Docent Training certification expires after one year. If you have previously served as a Docent, your certification must be active or reactivated by attending one of the training sessions.

Please R.S.V.P. via SignUp Genius link:

Fleet Week activities will be October 11 to 16, 2016 (N.S. Savannah times and dates subject to change):

  • The N.S. Savannah will be open the same days and hours as the visiting N.S. Savannah at Pier 13 Baltimore, MDships.
  • Visiting ships are open to the public from 1 - 6 pm each day from Thursday, October 13 through Sunday, October 16, 2016.
  • Docents arrive one hour prior to public hours and remain until 30 minutes after public hours.

For more information about the 2016 Baltimore Fleet Week, please visit:

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Saturday, September 24, 2016, from 10 am - 2 pm

Time to do some more work on what we envision as our Harbor’s future Ambassador! This is an awesome opportunity to work on an iconic Baltimore historic vessel.

bcsc-gaither-at-natl-marina-day-jun-2011General cleaning, scraping, and updating inventory lists. GAITHER has a Detroit 6-71 diesel engine that could stand a tune-up and some maintenance. The propeller shaft needs repacking. All skill levels welcomed - we love sharing our know-how and enjoy learning from others!

She is on land to make working on her easier for us, courtesy of Tidewater Yacht Service, with our on-going deep appreciation!!

Join us at Tidewater Yacht Service, 321 East Cromwell Street, Baltimore, MD 21230.

Please R.S.V.P. via SignUp Genius link: www.SignUpGenius.com/go/4090E4AAFAE23A4F58-gaither

B&CSC Provides Wreath for 30th PRIDE of BALTIMORE Memorial Ceremony 5/14/2016

Posted by admin on May 17, 2016 in Uncategorized |

This beautiful biodegradable Memorial Wreath was made by Valerie Mathers who has blessed us with many such remembrances for various B&CSC and other historical programs.To view full story, please visit The Baltimore Sun newspaper article: https://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/baltimore-city/bs-md-ci-30-anniversary-20160514- story.html Pride of Baltimore’s 1986 sinking recalled at Fort McHenry ceremony Scott Sheads, NPS Park Ranger, and the Honorable […]

75th Anniversary of CHAS. D. GAITHER’s Commissioning

Baltimore, MD-75 years ago, on September 14th, 1940, the now-historic first all-steel patrol boat CHARLES D. GAITHER was placed in commission with the Baltimore City Police Department’s marine division. Her name-sake became the first police commissioner of the modern era when the post was consolidated from three positions into the office of a single commissioner. […]

Maritime EXPO at National Maritime Day, Sunday, May 17, 2015, 10am-3pm

US Army Corps of Engineers vessels. Walt Mathers, photo. Helen Delich Bentley Port of Baltimore is within an overnight drive of 1/3 of the nation’s population. Come join us and learn about what the Port of Baltimore does and what it takes to transport people and goods! ~Bring the family to this free event~ Maritime […]

Hidden Harbor Series: Bulldogs at Baltimore’s Gates-Forgotten Sentinels of Baltimore Harbor, Sat., April 18, 2015, 11:30am-3pm

Posted by admin on April 11, 2015 in Uncategorized |

SATURDAY, April 18, 2015, 11:30 am - 3 pm Schedule: 11:30am — members and guests arrive Noon — Hidden Harbor Series - Bulldogs at Baltimore’s Gates-Forgotten Sentinels of Baltimore Harbor by Coast Defense Study Group authority, Elliot Deutsch — learn how the Port of Baltimore defended itself in times of war & peace, operate a […]

Hidden Harbor Series: B&O Marine Railway System of the Port of Baltimore, rescheduled to Sat., March 21, 2015, Noon-5pm

Posted by admin on March 17, 2015 in Presentations, Uncategorized |
BCSC Logo 9-2013 new complete

Hot off the eWire… A Cabin Fever/Railroad & Tug & Barge & Modeling/Get Out & have Fun Event SATURDAY, MARCH 21, 2015, Noon - 5 Schedule: 12:00 pm — members and guests arrive 12:30 pm — Update on B&CSC activities & coming events 1:00 pm — pot luck luncheon (bring a dish to share) 2:45 […]

National Maritime Day, Sunday, May 17, 2015, 10am-3pm

Posted by admin on March 17, 2015 in Uncategorized |

US Army Corps of Engineers vessels. Walt Mathers, photo. Helen Delich Bentley Port of Baltimore is within an overnight drive of 1/3 of the nation’s population. Come join us and learn about what the Port of Baltimore does and what it takes to transport people and goods! ~Bring the family to this free event~ Maritime […]

Maritime EXPO at National Maritime Day, 2014

Lego™ Teach Fleet Curious about what the Port of Baltimore does and what it takes to transport people and goods? Then you’ll want to bring the family to this free event! Maritime Expo at National Maritime Day Sunday, 18 May 2014 10 AM - 3 PM Pier 13 Canton, 4601 Newgate Avenue, Baltimore, Maryland, 21224-6408 […]

In Memoriam: Wayne Britz of the NS Savannah Association

Posted by admin on December 28, 2013 in B&CSC - Baltimore & Chesapeake Steamboat Company, n/s SAVANNAH, 1959 |

We are all saddened by the sudden passing of NSSA’s President and Chairman Wayne Britz, on October 13, 2013. Wayne was totally devoted to the association and to the ship. For years he organized meetings, reunions, and events to preserve the N.S. Savannah. He was instrumental in the work being done on the ship. We […]

Upcoming Maritime Activities …

Posted by admin on October 15, 2013 in B&CSC - Baltimore & Chesapeake Steamboat Company, Uncategorized |

The Baltimore & Chesapeake Steamboat Company will participate in this year’s Port Fest aboard the Nuclear Ship SAVANNAH on Saturday, October 19, 2013 from 10am - 3 pm. B&CSC members will also assist the SAVANNAH throughout the week with school tours. This is a Unique free vessel tour of the SAVANNAH (not usually open to […]

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