B&CSC Attends 12th Annual Submarine Races, Carderock Surface Warfare, DC, 06/2013

2013 ISR Submerged View of crew with their submarine.  Photo by Walt Mathers.

2013 ISR Submerged View of crew with their submarine. Photo by Walt Mathers.

For B&CSC, submarines are on the agenda for 2013 and what better way to prepare for our upcoming commemoration of maritime pioneer Paul L. Koenig, captain of the U-DEUTSCHLAND, than to enjoy the competition at this years International Submarine Races!

Held at the Naval Surface Warfare Center at the David Taylor Model Basin facility in its Carderock Division on June 24-28, this year’s competition featured Human Powered Submarines!
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Teams fielded their human-powered designs that are operated by one or two scuba crew members. The ISR are held every two-years and encourage high school and college students to apply their engineering skills in unique ways. ISR’s2012 press release states:

“The purpose oDSCF1002 Submerged w_ crew on monitor_Waltf the sub races is to provide an educational opportunity for aspiring young engineers. Their participation in the design, construction, and operation of a human-powered submarine offers real-time application of theoretical knowledge, hands-on problem-solving and team-building skills. Each year, teams strive to either set new speed records or bring innovative approaches to propulsion, guidance or other technical requirements of submarine design.

Race organizers install specialized timing equipment in the Carderock model basin to determine the exact speed of each vehicle. Underwater video and times are displayed on television screens. Prizes are awarded in a number of categories, including speed, design, best use of composite materials and innovation. The subrace engineering design competition is an investment in the future of our young people, not only to help them compete in the global technology economy, but to provide a better trained and experienced resource pool of bright and industrious students to help industry and the government fill future national needs. The ISR experience increases their value to potential employers. Studies show that students who can put their classroom skills to practical use fare far better in the post-college job market.”

Awards are given for the following:

  • Overall Performance
  • Best Spirit of the Races
  • Current Records
  • Best Design Outline
  • Absolute Speed
  • Fastest Speed by Category
  • Innovation
  • Best Use of Composites

For more information, visit www.isrsubrace.org.

We Go Places - We Do Things!

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DSCF0973 Maizie Guny Man Val_WaltPhotos by Walt Mathers (L) except this by his wife, Valerie.






Maizie Rocke, VP B&CSC (L) & Valerie Mathers (R).

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