Welcome to the Baltimore & Chesapeake Steamboat Company: Go Places & Do Things!

Posted by admin on September 15, 2012 in B&CSC - Baltimore & Chesapeake Steamboat Company |

The Baltimore & Chesapeake Steamboat Company, Inc. formed in 2005 as an all-volunteer 501(c)(3) nonprofit educational organization to preserve, interpret and support the industrial maritime heritage of the Chesapeake Bay Region. All donations are tax deductible to the full extent of the law.

The B&CSC traces its roots back to its members’ long-standing efforts to preserve the last coal-fired steam tug in American, the 1906 tug BALTIMORE. The BALTIMORE is owned and maintained by the Baltimore Museum of Industry.

B&CSC acquired its first historic vessel in 2011, the 1940 M/V CHARLES D. GAITHER. The GAITHER is the first all-steel vessel in the Baltimore City Police Department’s fleet and is a wonderful gift of Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Johnson.

The organization is active in participating and sponsoring a variety of events, lectures, and programs. There is something here for everyone. We are an all-volunteer group that Goes Places and Does Things!

You can contact us via email at steamboatcompany at yahoo.com.



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